
face of God

face of the beloved



fact-value dichotomy

fact-value distinction


factual information


faculty of attraction

faculty of being affected

faculty of desire

faculty of digestion

faculty of ejection

faculty of growing

faculty of imagination

faculty of movement

faculty of perception

faculty of rationality

faculty of rejection

faculty of rememberance

faculty of representation

faculty of sensation

faculty of speech

faculty of taste

faculty of thought




faithful spirit




fallacy of abusive

fallacy of accent

fallacy of accident

fallacy of affirming consequent

fallacy of ambiguity

fallacy of amphiboly

fallacy of appeal to authority

fallacy of appeal to emotion

fallacy of appeal to force

fallacy of appeal to ignorance

fallacy of appeal to people

fallacy of appeal to pity

fallacy of begging the question

fallacy of bogus dilemma

fallacy of circumstantial

fallacy of complex question

fallacy of composition

fallacy of denying antecedent

fallacy of denying division

fallacy of division

fallacy of equivocation

fallacy of exclusive

fallacy of existential

fallacy of false cause

fallacy of four terms

fallacy of ignoratio elenchi

fallacy of illicit

fallacy of irrelevant conclusion

fallacy of misplaced concretness

fallacy of noncausa pro causa

fallacy of nothing but

fallacy of petito principii

fallacy of red herring

fallacy of refuting the example

fallacy of tu quoque

fallacy of undistributed middle

fuzzy logic